The E³UDRES² European University Alliance is comprised of nine institutions - a combination of unique, scientific universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS). In addition, E³UDRES² members are ambitious, flexible, small or medium-sized universities (<30,000 students), located in a small or medium-sized European cities (<250,000 inhabitants) of one of the smaller European countries (<20 million Inhabitants) and anchored in their surrounding environments but internationally connected and active within the European Higher Education Area.

(9) Focussing on new learning approaches, innovation and entrepreneurship, Jyväskylä UAS is getting its students ready for the future.
(1) Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, located in the city of Valmiera, is an essential part of the aspirational Vidzeme region.
(8) Saxion University of Applied Sciences is the biggest institution within the E³UDRES² Alliance.
(2) St. Pölten UAS leads the E³UDRES² Alliance and is a key player in the domestic higher education landscape.
(7) Fulda UAS is characterized by their strong research focus and their ability to award independent doctoral degrees in profile-forming areas.
(6) UC Leuven-Limburg, the "Moving Minds" University of Applied Sciences, strongly focuses on their students' wellbeing.
(4) With a history of over more than 100 years, Politehnica University of Timisoara provides education on undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels.
(3) Hungary's predominant higher education institution in the field of life sciences.
(5) As the southernmost institution within E³UDRES², the Politechnic Institute of Setúbal educates more than 7,000 students employs about 800 staff members.
Other Alliances
E³UDRES² is supported by nine associated partners from all partner countries, all of which provide expertise and know-how in the context of E³UDRES², give feedback on concepts and ideas, support the dissemination and sustainability of the alliance as well as co-host events.

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